Custom Envelope Artwork

Artwork & Instructions



Custom Envelopes Artwork & Instructions

In order to process your order more efficiently, please review the following specifications when preparing art for Priority Envelope.

Software Compatibility

Our preferred platform is Macintosh. We prefer files in the following applications: InDesign, QuarkXPress, Illustrator, Freehand, Photoshop and pdf. PC files will also be accepted in the same file formats as the Mac, but there may be font compatibility issues.

Files created in Microsoft Publisher, Word, or other applications may not print as expected, and may result in additional charges.


We accept pdf files. Make your pdf using PDF/X-1a settings. If your art has transparencies, choose PDF/X-4. Pdf files are more difficult to correct than native files. If the pdf files are not 100% correct, we will ask that you provide a corrected file. Contact us for advice on making pdf files for press.


It is best to send all fonts used in your artwork. With postscript fonts, be sure to include both screen and printer fonts. Remember to include fonts used in linked graphics. If you are unable to send us fonts, convert type to outlines before sending us your art.

Make sure type styles have been applied properly; avoid using pseudo fonts. Align columns/text by using tabs, not the spacebar.

Graphic Elements

No hairline lines/rules. Specify a precise width on all rules.

Make sure all linked files sent to us are high resolution, minimum 300 dpi for photos and 1200 dpi for line art.


All colors need to be properly defined as process or spot (do not use RGB colors). All unused colors should be deleted from color palette (this includes placed EPS files). Spot colors need to carry their proper PMS designation. Colors that have been used to designate special colors need to be named to reflect the color as they will print (i.e. a color showing where gold foil is to imprint should be named "gold foil").

Set all colors to knockout. Priority Envelope will set all overprints and traps in our pre-press department.


Compress your files before emailing to reduce the chances of damage to your documents and speed up transfers. Attach the compressed file to an email and send it to your representative at Priority Envelope. Send your purchase order to the same person.

FTP Transfer

You can transfer files via our ftp server. Contact us for login instructions. If you are going to be a regular visitor to our site, we can create a personal account for you. As with email, you should compress your files and fax hard copy to us. After posting, inform your representative at Priority Envelope of the name of the file you posted. If you wish to use another ftp site, provide us with login instructions and the name of the file to retrieve.


Make sure all proofs provided to us are the latest and final versions of the file. It MUST match the art files.

All proofs need to be 100% size and in color if possible. If the art file is sent to us via e-mail, the hard copy proof must follow.


Priority Envelope provides color laser proofs and digital color proofs. All proofs other than lasers are an additional cost. Four color process files require digital color proofs.


Make sure the customer has the rights to all copyrighted materials.

Please let us know if this job is a repeat of one we have done previously. Or a repeat with minor changes.

Failure to follow appropriate procedures may result in complications and delays in the completion of your printing project.

If you need further information or clarification, please contact us.